Rhythmic Chunk 1 (Ayahs 1-5):
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
What are they asking one another about?
About the momentous news
over which they disagree.
Indeed, no! They will come to know.
Rhythmic Chunk 2 (Ayahs 6-16):
Translation: 6. Have We not made the earth a bed,
and the mountains as pegs?
We created you in pairs,
and made your sleep for rest,
and made the night a covering,
and made the day for livelihood,
and built above you seven firmaments,
and made a shining lamp,
and sent down from the rain clouds pouring water
that We may bring forth with it grain and plants,
and lush gardens.
Rhythmic Chunk 3 (Ayahs 17-20):
Translation: 17. Indeed, the Day of Judgement is an appointed time,
the Day when the Horn will be blown, and you will come forth in multitudes,
and the heaven is opened, and becomes gateways,
and the mountains are made to vanish as if they were a mirage.
This breakdown continues, and you can follow a similar pattern for the remaining verses of Surah An-Naba.
Rhythmic Chunk 4 (Ayahs 21-30):
Translation: 21. Indeed, Hell has been lying in wait,
a destination for the rebellious,
dwelling therein for ages,
they will not taste therein coolness nor any drink,
except boiling water and a fluid, dark, murky
an appropriate recompense.
Indeed, they were not expecting an account
and denied Our signs with vehement denial.
But everything We have enumerated in writing.
"So taste [the penalty] because you forgot the meeting of this, your Day; indeed, We have [accordingly] forgotten you. And taste the punishment of eternity for what you used to do."
Rhythmic Chunk 5 (Ayahs 31-40):
Translation: 31. Indeed, for those who have believed and done righteous deeds, there will be gardens of Paradise as accommodation,
wherein they abide eternally. They will not desire from it any transfer.
Say, "I do not possess for myself any harm or benefit except what Allah should will. For every nation is a [specified] term. When their time has come, they will not remain behind an hour, nor will they precede [it]."
Say, "Have you considered: if His punishment should come to you by night or by day - for which [aspect] of it would the criminals be impatient?"
Then is it that when it has [actually] occurred you will believe in it? Now? And you were [once] for